Civic Holiday Ojibway Paint out

Monday August 6th 9:30 A.M. until Noon

Elizabeth will be unable to attend this Monday.  Please look out for one another.
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At Ojibway we have the option of sketching indoors. So depending upon the weather you may paint outdoors, or sketch indoors.

However, we will not know if we can sketch inside until we get there, so don’t count on being able to do that. If there are tours we will be underfoot as sometimes they do scavenger hunts inside the nature centre.

There are some restrictions if you paint indoors.  There might be tours going though the exhibit area.  Please no trip hazards at your feet.  Therefore, no easels or equipment on the floor.  You may bring in a chair to sit on.  We suggest that you treat this as an indoor sketching opportunity.   Bring sketchbooks, coloured pencils, watercolour pencils, and anything that you can safely confine to your lap.

Of course, if you wish to work outside you may bring all your gear. The washrooms will be available.

ojibway map

Link to the 24 hour weather watch site:

Camera / cell phone is a good choice
Folding chair
Plein Air easel
Plein air pochade box
Drawing board
Paint and drawing supplies of your choice

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